Greetings to the Friends, Neighbours and Members of Cressy Glenora Church,
What makes a house a home? One of the great spiritual teachers has spoken of home as abiding in close relationship with the divine. Dwelling in a heart-space, a mind-space and a soul-space of trust and confidence with the great mystery of life. One of the beautiful things about living in The County is the feeling of being known and noticed. Here, we are in neighbourly relationships with each other and the world around us. So many folks know birds by their songs or can call the flowers by name. People with farms and gardens understand the relationship of soil, water and tending that makes things grow well. Drivers get a feel for the roads and the water. We come to love this place because we know this place. A relationship with upstairs is like that... seeking to know God more deeply and allowing ourselves to be known more fully by God (however we understand God to be), nurtures a sense of sacred home within us. This spring may all of the natural world—including you and me—may we dwell in the trust and confidence that we are home, part of the Spirit's great mystery of life we call spring.
Photo credit: Blue Jay Nest by Jeff the quiet, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons